Thought Leadership

More customer touchpoints can foster insurance personalisation

The evolution of consumer expectations in the insurance industry is reshaping the traditional insurer-customer dynamic. Customers are no longer satisfied with a one-size-fits-all approach; they are looking for a more personalised, m...

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Embracing AI in the life insurance claims process

Managing claims is a core business process for any insurer. It is also one of the most time-consuming areas that requires customer verification, validation of claim details, and the management of the authorisation and payment releas...

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Capitalising on embedded insurance opportunities

The global market for embedded insurance – the real-time bundling and sale of insurance at the moment a consumer is purchasing a product or service – is projected to be worth up to $5 trillion by 2030. For South African insurers...

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Leveraging health data in the intelligent automation of underwriting

Given the myriad of stakeholders along the healthcare journey – from doctors and pharmacists to nurses and hospitals– integrating the almost countless, disparate data sets to get a singular view of a consumer is a complex undert...

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Case Studies

King Price Insurance refines operations using Alula Technologies’ Life Policy Administration System powered by Microsoft Azure

In less than a decade, King Price Insurance has disrupted the South African short-term insurance landscape by offering decreasing premiums and is looking to do the same in the life insurance space. Committed to meeting customers’ ex...

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Press Releases

Welcome to a New Era in Health: Pioneering a New Vision in Healthcare for the Whole Workforce

At Lime Health, we imagine a society where prevention is the new cure. Using technology for the greater good, without lectures or books to read, just pure vital statistics guiding your health as never imagined. A Partnership to Tran...

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Alula Technologies and Guardrisk LAUNCHPAD Announce Joint Proof of Concept for Smart Insurance Platform - Gateway

Alula Technologies is excited to announce a joint proof of concept exercise with Guardrisk LAUNCHPAD, a leading South African cell captive company, to develop an insurance Gateway solution , a smart insurance platform. This innovative...

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Alula Technologies and Ally Health Successfully Complete Pilot Study with Hannover Re, Showcasing Innovative Health Monitoring Solutions

London, UK - June 27, 2024 - Alula Technologies and Ally Health, global leaders in health and wellness technology solutions, have announced the successful completion of an exciting pilot study in collaboration with Hannover Re. This p...

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Reshaping Employee Benefits: The Strategic Integration of VitalScore into Ovation's Platform

In an era where the traditional boundaries of workplace wellness are expanding, the integration of VitalScore into the Ovation Employee Benefits platform emerges as a pioneering strategy. This innovative fusion is not just an enhanc...

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